Tag Archive: Thunderbirds


Happy Holidays! Sorry I haven’t been here to update in a while – 2016 can piss off, what a horrible year. On the bright side, here are a few Thunderbirds interviews I did last year that have finally been released. Hope you enjoy them. Be sure to visit http://fanmoguls.com/ and let them know you









I was interviewed recently about all things Supermarionation and Gerry Anderson by the Pop Savvy Rocko Jerome for his blog. I met Rocko at this year’s Wonderfest in Louisville, KY, and found out what a big fan he is of the stringed wonders. Click here or on the photo to read the interview.



I’ve got two Gerry Anderson tributes hitting bookstores this week! The first is in Video WatcHDog #173, above. I’m really happy to finally have an article published in editor Tim Lucas’s venerable film digest. VW is a magazine for serious film lovers, and the content is a great mix of criticism, meticulously researched articles and in-depth interviews. It’s available in Barnes & Noble and finer bookstores everywhere, or click the photo above to order it direct online.




The second tribute is a special section in Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine #267 remembering Gerry. I’m very happy to be back in the pages of the ORIGINAL monster magazine with such a large chunk of real estate devoted to Anderson and his works. Many thanks to editor Ed Blair for responding so favorably to my pitch for coverage when Gerry passed away. Ed’s a SuperM fan himself and was just about to start beating the bushes looking for someone to write this when I came knocking. I wound up writing four articles and August Ragone contributed one as well. Shown above are the Newsstand and Subscription/Direct Market covers. It should be available now in most bookstores including Books-A-Million, or you can order direct by clicking the photo above.

Hope you enjoy them – let me know if you do!



Fiat Lux!

Opening salvo at the Taylorcosm!

I’ve got a new book out in January, a licensed Thunderbirds™ novel called Arctic Adventure! published by FTL Publications. Here’s a link to pre-order it:

Click Here to Order Arctic Adventure!


Arctic Adventure! Cover

Arctic Adventure! Cover

More on the book very soon!

