I’m heading out to San Diego this week for Comic-Con – its hard to miss if you’re there, just head for the south water and follow the flocks of fans. No panels or signings this time around, though I’ll probably stop by the Hermes Press Booth (#450 if I recall correctly) if you want a Mike Trim book or anything signed.
Richard Starkings of Comicraft and writer of Elephantmen took the photo above – he’s already out setting up his booth (#2106, tell him I sent you). I’ll be there Wednesday-Monday, then I’m heading up to Los Angeles to do some business and see some friends. Do get in touch if you’d like to meet up!
For more information, why not take a look at http://www.comic-con.org/cci/
More frequent updates when I return. I’ve got more art by Rich Smith to post, as well as at least one or two podcasts…