Last week, I delivered a 112 page screenplay called “Pledge Trip” to Centaurus Entertainment. It’s a frat comedy in the mold of Animal House. I re-wrote Eric Prokay’s original screenplay for the film, reformatting it to make it more friendly to feature film storytelling conventions. And to make it funnier.
The producers and the director were very happy with my take on it, and are scheduling shooting to begin in March. Not sure when it will be finished or released yet, but I’ll post about it when I hear something.
This is my first feature screenplay to be produced – very happy with the result and glad to be on track for release in 2012.
Also – I recorded a podcast with the Earth Station One crew today at Dr. No’s Comics and Games in Marietta, it should be online later this week. Check back for a link – the subject was favorite villains. I have two words to say on the subject: Norman Stansfield.